Another Possible Addition to ZombieV!


Stone Miner
I know you guys are annoyed of how much I'm posting, but bare with me!
Okay, how about in 'ZombieV', we just not have waves of mobs attacking, how about a Story Mode where we have to complete missions and survive and fight the undead mobs at night!
Sorta like the Walking Dead I know, I didn't get my idea from that lol!
There can be like different levels of Difficulty on each Chapter of the Story Mode, just like the regular Wave mode!
I know I have suggested so much in the past 4 days, but tell me what you think about this!

Endr Inkling

Tree Puncher
i agree with you Xiph0id i have bought the vip rank but i never got my rank after i purchsed the rank and i'm mad about it but i still agree with you


Emerald Miner
I like the idea, it may take a lot of time to create. :)
Don't forget to make a poll about this, I will advertise it on ZombieV when it is added.



Blaze Estinguisher
I like that idea. First of all, ZombieV is beta right now. That idea might added to their list to create before the grand open of ZombieV.


Zombie Killer
This is quite a unique idea,
Make sure to implement a poll for people to vote upon this addition.
I wish your idea the best,


Void Walker
I like the idea! Something definitely unique for a Snapcraft gamemode.


Stone Miner
I love this idea! After getting artifact items there is nothing to do. Adding this would make it so much better!


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Zombie Killer
I like the idea because it something unique to the server that not many servers have however, this would take a lot of trail and error to create this :-D.