Ideas & Suggestions for Next Factions Reset Part 2

How many of these would you like to see next reset?

  • I want Factions to stay the same...

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Tree Puncher
More Ideas for Next Factions reset!

1. Higher Selling Prices for farmable items - (SugarCane, wheat, cactus, NetherWart, and cocoa beans)
  • Selling farmable items in factions is a huge part of the game, it gives players another way to make money
  • With the prices the way they are now, they are a bit low for the economy to start growing (these items are the way that people make money in at least the first month of factions, that money goes around the server and contributes to the economy throughout the rest of the server's span.)
2. Add an "F Top" feature
  • This feature is one of the most popular and liked things about all faction servers; it gives people a thing to go for and another goal to reach, every player will be more active and try to get to the top of f top in order to show that they are the top faction on the server.
  • Basically "/f top" is when each item placed in a claimed area by your faction counts for a certain value, this value is placed in your faction "f top" list and shows how rich your faction is. The most important items that add value to a faction are usually spawners and loot in your chests such as tnt and obsidian.
3. Add a "Baltop" feature
  • Similar to F top, this feature shows a player's individual balances and scores them on a list of the richest to the poorest players on the server.
  • This gives player's a goal in mind, it makes players want to be more active and shoot for this goal
4. Make a Youtuber Rank
  • This rank has been a very controversial topic throughout the history of factions servers because people argue that they buy their ranks with real money whereas any youtuber with a decent amount of subs can just stroll onto the server and get a free rank.
  • However, if you make it so that the youtuber rank only gives you things like "teleporting to places with no delay, letting them use /fly in enemy territory or neutral territory for a certain amount of time (to improve recording quality), and/or things like Fix all then it doesn't make it too OP because it does not give you things like more sethomes or kits like regular ranks do.
5. When you win Keys, make them be added straight into the Crate to prevent duping, selling, etc
  • Keys being added straight into the crate make it so that people get to buy or win keys and open them straight at the crate
  • Also, this is good because it prevents people from duping keys ,dying with keys, etc
6. Make it possible to win Ranks or rank upgrades from crate keys. (Rare and Legendary Keys)
  • Doing so will make more people want to buy crate keys and will give people a chance to win ranks in game without having to spend too much money.
  • If you do this, Make it a very very LOW % chance such as 1% or lower and Make the ranks go straight onto the player and NOT into a paper that says "click me to get (blank) rank" because people will find a way to dupe them. Trust me.
7. Lower TNT/Obsidian prices to 500$ - 1000$ in shop
  • Pretty self-explanatory, this lets people build bases and make cannons for cheaper without having to spend ALL of their money in the process.
8. Make it Easier to get spawners from crates, shop, and such.
  • With factions being the way it is right now, it is REALLY hard to get spawners, people rarely get spawners and it gets annoying when you save up your money and spawners until you finally get enough money/spawners to make a grinder with them and... someone raids your grinder and blows up your spawners for fun.
  • Lowering the prices of spawners in shop contributes to the economy amazingly
  • Higher the % chance to get spawners from crate keys, skeleton spawners are very hard to come by
  • The only reason factions has a decent amount of spawners right now is because some noob *cough* iiRain_ *cough* duped dub chests of spawners...
9. Bring back Bounties
  • This was a fun and likable way of setting prices on your enemies head's, it puts a target on them :-D
10. Make player heads drop more frequently
  • The reset before this reset was really fun because you could kill your enemies and take their heads and then brag to them that you got their heads
  • These heads make for really good decorations ;-)
11. If you include /f top and /baltop, maybe you could make factions more competitive by including prizes every month for the top factions on f top or even the top players on baltop.
  • the prize is your choice though I suggest a 10$ voucher for the snapcraft store or something like that.
  • This could persuade more and more people to come and join factions.
**NOTE: This can only be added if #1 & #2 were added

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. Also, make sure to answer the survey and let me know how many of these you want to see next reset!

Here is a Link to the First suggestions list:



Staff member
There's already a YT rank, just message Maarten on the forums and you two will discuss that. Other than that, I like the ideas.


Tree Puncher
Oh ok thanks for the info :) , I thought I seen someone with YT next to their name the other day, I just wasn't sure, do you mind answering the survey as well? Maarten wants to see how we all feel about these, thanks!


Void Walker
I like most of the ideas, aside from the Youtube rank which was already mentioned by Ashie.

5) I don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy selling keys. Sometimes I may have lots of items but I'm short on money, so I'd rather just sell a few keys.

7) It was already announced that the prices of TNT and obsidian would be dropped, although I'm not sure by how much.


Iron Miner
I don't play much factions but the suggestions sound good.
Although, the youtube rank is already being talked about frequently so I shouldn't worry about that at the moment