Faction Envoys

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First Step
The Envoys in Factions are Common, UnCommon, Rare, Legendary. But if I open a Common sometimes I get like, 25k an UnCommon will give like 15k. and a Rare will give 25k I dont know if it is intentional but its just how its been since they came out. Also will there be a way to check whats inside of each rarity and what % chance we have at getting certain things?


Staff member
There's currently no way to check the loot table for the envoys, Maarten has said he'll do it when he's back from vacation.


Obsidian Miner
how do i find envoys
Envoys are found outside of spawn past the red wool line in the warzone. They are chests with titles above them saying what type of envoy they are like Common Envoy or Rare Envoy, etc. Be aware that pvp is enabled in warzone and you can be killed.

Closing this thread as it is old though.
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