Hub Ideas:


Stone Miner
Hey there,
Personally i feel we have neglected hub just a tad. It's the opening experience for new players, it is the first thing you witness. Why not show it off?! We used to have cosmetics ( from what I've heard ). I'm sure there was a genuine reason for them to be removed at that time. However, any reason they shouldn't be added again? Feel free to give any other ideas i haven't included, or what you may seem fit for the hub. Here's my list:

Hub Cosmetics:
I think there are two kind of cosmetics, ones that give yourself a different appearance and ones that effect the game play. Both could be added, or even just one of them..
  • Type 1 - Hats, Capes, ''Clothes'', Trails, Particle effects.
  • Type 2 - Jump Mats, Launchers, ''guns'', Ability to pick others up.
Personally i would make it so that you only have a selection of 'free' cosmetics, and you unlock others by: Buying them on the store, doing 'quests', reaching selected levels, and through ranks. This brings me on to my next topic.

A New hub rank:
We've only had one hub rank, for ages. It would be cool too see something new added. A new fresh rank, that doesn't replace [VIP] but is a higher rank. The name is kinda hard to think off, as we already have a 'Pro' and a lot of 'VIP+'s. But even so, [VIP+] might work.
  1. Ability to use potions. ( not sure how that would work )
  2. Use of a bigger range of cosmetics.
  3. Ability to talk colour in chat.
  4. Talk colour in messages.
  5. Bigger friend limit.
  6. Make turning players off a 'new rank' thing
These are my ideas of perks, it would be nice to see some of yours below.
Level rewards:
Every certain amount of global levels you go up, you achieve something on the 'ladder' off rewards. Instead off getting global rewards per level. eg. 100Points for reaching level 35. You get bigger rewards, but less often. Such as:
Reaching level 50 - 200 gems
Reaching level 100 - Cosmetic
Reaching level 125 - Perk points [ 400+]
The list could go on. I would say that it's a nice way to be rewarded. It would make new players and current ones strive to reach a higher level, not only on the basis for 'flexing' and 'showing off' but actually being able to get something in return.

Anyway, that is all the idea's i can think off currently. I would like to hear what you think off them, weather its negative or positive. Hope you have a great day :-D
Josh - H4mmy101


Staff member
I think the cosmetic ideas could be quite interesting, specifically the first ‘type’ you mentioned, and they could be added with another rank. I think all the other stuff is going over the top a little. Whilst it’s important for a server to have a good hub/lobby, it’s there simply to direct players to their chosen server.


Staff member
The hub cosmetics were removed cause it kept breaking and causing issues. And tbh I dont see the point in having cosmetics in the hub


Creeper Hugger
I used to enjoy the use of cosmetics, but as said above there was obviously reasons as to why they were removed. Also the hub is a place where people spawn in and then go to their selected server of choice so I really don’t see the point in having another rank being added to the hub in particular.


First Step
Cosmetics, all though they may look cool, it is just more problems on top of problems. Cosmetics on many servers have been known to cause many problems, I don't see the main point of this. Not many players spend their time in hub. To protect having the best "no lag" as possible and to keep things from bugging, I do not think they should be added.

Leveling rewards could be interesting. All though, there may be come problems with people who have already hit different rewards. It could be worked out but, I think that it does not need to be added. Overall, good ideas, I just don't see them happening.

4+ year veteran